where everyone's thoughts matter.

Tag Archives: comfortable looks

So yeah, I all told you that I’m trying to broaden the things that I am writing about. 

And I decided that I’d blog about fashion as well. Although I am no fashion expert and probably some or most of you will not like my fashion sense, But still, I’d like to blog about it. 🙂

Particularly, because I want to just express myself and also to encourage other people to dress as they please.

The only flaw in my perfectly good plan of fashion blogging is……

I have no photographer, as in I have no one to shoot my pictures with. So my supposed “1st blog about fashion” is a total disaster. Keep reading and you find out why…

So this are the 3 pictures I took, I was actually trying to show you guys my PHP50 wired headband. What’s cool about this headband is that you can make different shapes out of it according to your preference. What’s not cool about it is that, I tried making a ribbon but I failed endlessly so I ended up with a big circular thingy in my head. Sorry for the photos,  I have poor photography skills.Image

Next Set of photos, so I mentioned that it is supposed to be a fashion blog, right? So ofcourse I have to capture the entire outfit, and Remember I am shooting this alone so I just used the timer and it resulted to really bad pictures and really awkward poses, I had to crop all my faces in it because all my faces in the pictures have really weird looks in it.


The Last set of photos, this is actually the most important part because I really wanted to emphasize on the boots. Lol. This boots is only PHP 500, its actually a good deal and its comfy.


Thanks for reading my failed attempt at fashion blogging!


For the curious:

Blouse -PHP 150

Jeans/leggings – PHP 250

Headband- PHP 50

Boots- PHP 500

Definitely fashion for the thrifty! 🙂

Keep reading my blogs! 
